Michael Beeson's Research

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Foreword to Introduction to Metamathematics, by Stephen Kleene, Ishi Press International, New York and Tokyo, 2010. Reprint of the original 1952 edition.

Foreword to Metamathematische Methoden in der Geometrie, by Wolfram Schwabhäuser, Wanda Szmielew, and Alfred Tarski, Ishi Press International, New York and Tokyo, 2010. Reprint of the original 1983 edition.

Foreword to Foundations of Constructive Analysis, by Errett Bishop, Ishi Press International, New York and Tokyo, 2010. Reprint of the original 1967 edition.


Some Undecidable Field Theories, by Martin Ziegler

On the manner of resolving the equation \(t^2-pu^2\) by means of circular functions, by Lejeune Dirichlet (1837)