#!/usr/bin/php name != $test_only) continue; $hints = $hints_in; $ratio = $ratio_in; $diagrams = $diagrams_in; $result = $TarskiFinalResults[$t->name]; if(! is_array($result) && trim($result) == "skip") continue; if(($check_level & 1) == 0 && is_numeric($result)) continue; if(($check_level & 1) == 0 && is_array($result) && count($result) == 2 && is_numeric($result[0]) && strstr($result[1],"=")) { //example, $result = array(11, "max_seconds = 140") continue; } if(is_array($result) && $result[1] == "subformula") continue; // use TestSubformulaStrategy.php instead if(is_array($result) && $result[1] == "diagram" && ($check_level & 2) == 0) continue; if($result === false && $skip_unproved) continue; if(!$only_unproved || $result ===false) { if($hints == "default") { if(is_array($result) && $result[1] == "diagram") { $hints = false; $diagrams = true; } else if(is_array($result) && $result[1] == "hints") { $hints = true; $diagrams = true; // always use the diagram with hints. } else { $hints = false; // don't change the value of $diagrams from what was specified at the top of the file. } } $cases = $hints; // use cases if and only if using hints if($hints && $check_level < 4) continue; if($hints) { $max_weight = $hint_max_weight; $max_seconds = $hint_max_seconds; } else { $max_weight = $default_max_weight; $max_seconds = $default_max_seconds; } // we may need to adjust max_seconds or max_weights based on stored results if (is_array($result) && count($result) > 1) { $weightflag = 0; $timeflag = 0; foreach($result as $line) { if(strstr($line, "max_weight")) { $temp = explode("=", $line); $max_weight = trim($temp[1]); $weightflag = 1; } if(strstr($line, "max_seconds")) { $temp = explode("=", $line); $max_seconds = trim($temp[1]); $timeflag = 1; } if(strstr($line, "ratio")) { $temp = explode("=", $line); $ratio = trim($temp[1]); $timeflag = 1; } } } $settings = get_settings($max_weight, $max_seconds, $ratio); WriteInputFile($t, $directory, $diagrams, $settings, $sos, $cases); $theorem_name = $t->name; if($hints) InsertHintsIntoInputFile($theorem_name,$OldProofDir, $directory); $infile = $directory . "/" . $theorem_name . ".in"; $outfile = $directory . "/" . $theorem_name . ".out"; echo "Trying to prove $theorem_name "; if($hints) echo "with hints"; else echo "without hints"; if($diagrams && !$hints) echo " but with diagrams"; else if(!$hints) echo " and without diagrams"; echo " and with max_weight = $max_weight and max_seconds = $max_seconds."; exec( "otter < $infile > $outfile"); } } ?>